About the Founding Couple

Orin & Christy Saunders

Orin and Christy were both born and raised right here in Kneehill County, in the town of Three Hills, Alberta, Canada.

Orin asked Jesus into his life at a young age, but it wasn’t until high school that he had an active relationship with Jesus. Not being regularly connected to a local church and growing up with mostly unchurched friends, gave him a very different perspective and experience of Three Hills and Kneehill County and the unmet needs of the people living there. When he was 19 he felt the strong calling of God on his life to enter full-time ministry. Since completing his undergrad degree at Prairie Bible College, Orin has worked in full-time ministry for 9 years including being the Co-Lead Pastor at a church plant that follows the same model that we hope Hillpoint will capture. He has recently completed his Masters in Church Leadership through ACTS Seminary and is excited for this next step in God’s plan.

Christy grew up saturated in the religious culture of Prairie Bible College through her attendance at Christian K-12 school, church, youth group, missions conferences, summer camps and much more. She invited Jesus into her life at the age of 3 and has worked in various kinds of church ministry since the age of 15. Until the age of 16, Christy was very unaware of life outside of the “Christian Bubble” in Three Hills. As a result of this, she was also able to experience firsthand the barriers that can be raised between those who know Jesus and those who don’t, and the damages that can be done through the exclusivity and the unawareness of the local church.

When Orin and Christy met each other, one of the things they were drawn to was their mutual calling to ministry and their desire to see Three Hills changed. After their time in the Lower Mainland which led to growth and experience with this type of church model, they feel equipped to begin this new journey with God’s strength and leading, along with their 3 children, Jaxon (9), Aubree (7), and Everlee (4).